Course Objective:

Neuropsychology studies the structure and function of the brain as they relate to specific psychological processes and behaviours. It is seen as a clinical and experimental field of psychology that aims to study, assess, understand and treat behaviours directly related to brain functioning.

Course Content:

Brain and its Functions- Structure and Functions of Lobes, Major Structures and Functions of Brain; Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience- Cognition and the Cortex Brain Association Areas and functions, Hemispheric differences in cognitive capabilities; Higher Cognitive Functions in Brain – Perception and Encoding, Neuropsychology of Attention, Learning and Memory, Neuropsychology of Language and Language Disorders, Executive Functions and Brain, Frontal lobes role in Executive Function; Emotions and Brain – Neuroscience of Depression, Schizophrenia and Anxiety disorders; Cerebral Lateralization – Brain Asymmetry, Brain Plasticity; Introduction to Neuropsychodiagnosis – What is meant by Neuropsychodiagnosis, Different
areas of assessment in Neuropsychodiagnosis, Qualitative and Quantitative assessment in Neuropsychology.
Areas of assessment in Cognitive Neuropsychology: Neuropsychological Evaluation –Interpretation of results of Intellectual Ability Tests, Interpretation of results of Neuropsychological Screening Tests, Diagnosis of Brain Damage: single test/test battery, Personality assessment of Brain Impaired, Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Assessment of Brain Damage in Projective Tests. Test: Bender Gestalt Test, Soloson Visual Motor Performance Test, Quick Neurological Screening Test, Mini Mental Status Examination, Cognitive Symptom Checklist, Cognitive Behavior Rating Scale, Recognition Memory Test, Neuropsychological Status Examination, Differential Test of Aphasia, Stroop Test. Neurological Disorders and other conditions of special concern in assessment

Recommended Books

  1. Gowers S. G., (2001) Adolescent Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. Arnold Publishing. London
  2. Kandel E. R., Schwartz J. H., Jessell T. M., (1995) Essentials of Neural Science and Behavior. McGraw-Hill.
  3. Gazzaniga M. S., Ivry R. B., Mangun G. R., (2002) Cognitive Neuroscience. The Biology of the Mind. Norton & Company Inc. New York.
  4. Kolb B., &Whishaw I. Q., (1980) Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology, Freeman & Company.
  5. Marnat G. G., (2006) Handbook of Psychological Assessment. John Willy & Son.