At the core, the legal ethics are the rules governing the conduct of lawyers and judges that are adopted by each state. This is an area of ethics which involve the legal profession and law practice. This course will be emphasizing on adherence to basic legal ethics that is generally required for people who wish to practice law. The course will cover the rules of legal ethics as laid down in Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 and other relevant rules. Leading practicing lawyers shall be invited to deliver lectures on legal ethics. 39

Recommended Reading:

1. Anand, C. L. Professional Ethics of the Bar, 2nd edn. Allahabad: Law Book Co, 1987.
2. Pakistan Bar Council’s Canons of Professional Conduct and Etiquette, 1976.
3. UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, 1990.
4. UN Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors, 1990.
5. UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, 1985.