Course Objectives:

Students  will  be  able  to  understand  and  acquire  knowledge  about  the principles and theoretical background of quantum chemistry, kinetics theory of gases and phase equilibrium. The knowledge gained thus can be applied to study various aspects of quantum mechanics, gas kinetic behavior and thermodynamics and phase equilibrium.

Course Contents:


Quantum Chemistry:

Black  body  radiation,  photoelectric  effect,  line  spectra  of  elements,  Bohr atomic  model,  wave  and  particle  nature  of  matter,  de  Broglie’s equation, Young’s double slit experiment, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, wavefunctions and Born interpretation of wavefunctions, probability density, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, Hamiltonian operator, Schrödinger wave equation, wavefunctions for hydrogen-like atomic orbitals, radial distribution functions, shielding and penetration, effective nuclear charge, orbital energies, periodic trends in the properties of the elements in the periodic table.

Kinetic Theory of Gases:

Probability density for molecular speeds of gas molecules, Maxwell distribution of molecular speeds, average speeds, pressure of an ideal gas, calculation of molecular speeds, binary collisions, effusion and mean free paths, Maxwell- Boltzmann’s law of energy distribution, method for the determination of the Avogadro’s number (NA), statistical probability and entropy.

Phase Equilibrium:

Gibbs phase rule, Phase diagrams of one component and two component systems, Gibbs energy and the phase diagram of a substance, location of phase boundaries, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, vapor-liquid equilibrium of binary liquid mixtures, binary phase diagrams and lever rule.

CHEM-271 Lab.

Equilibrium constant of the KI + I2 = KI3 reaction. Kinetics of saponification of ethyl acetate.
Acid catalyzed hydrolysis of sucrose.
Study of the adsorption isotherms of acetic acid-charcoal system.
Study of the charge transfer complex formation between iodine and benzene. Determination of activation energy for the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of ethyl acetate.
Determination of partial molar volumes.
Characterization of the given compound by UV-Vis spectroscopy.