
To provide an introduction to the structure and spectra of atoms and molecules. To prepare students for more advanced courses on Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Photons.

One Electron Atoms:

Review of Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom, Reduced Mass, Atomic Units and Wavenumbers, Energy Levels and Spectra, Schrodinger Equation for One-Electron Atoms, Quantum Angular Momentum  and Spherical Harmonics, Electron Spin, Spin-Orbit interaction. Levels and Spectroscopic Notation, Lamb Shift, Hyperfine Structure and Isotopic Shifts. Rydberg Atoms.

Interaction of One-Electron Atoms with Electromagnetic Radiation:

Radiative Transition Rates, Dipole Approximation, Einstein Coefficients, Selection Rules, Dipole Allowed and Forbidden Transitions. Metastable Levels, Line Intensities and Lifetimes of Excited States, Shape and Width of Spectral Lines, Scattering of Radiation by Atomic Systems, Zeeman Effect, Linear and Quadratic Stark Effect.

Many-Electron Atoms:

Schrodinger Equation for Two-Electron Atoms, Para and Ortho States, Pauli’s  Principle and Periodic Table, Coupling of Angular Momenta, L-S and J-J Coupling. Ground State and Excited States of Multi- Electron Atoms, Configurations and Terms.

Molecular Structure and Spectra:

Structure of Molecules, Covalent and Ionic Bonds, Electronic Structure of Diatomic Molecules, Rotation and Vibration of  Diatomic  Molecules, Born-Oppenheimer Approximation. Electronic Spectra, Transition Probabilities and Selection Rules, Frank- Condon Principle, H2+ and H2. Effects of Symmetry and Exchange. Bonding and  Anti-bonding  Orbitals.  Electronic  Spin  and  Hund’s  Cases,  Nuclear Motion: Rotation and Vibrational Spectra (Rigid Rotation, Harmonic Vibrations). Selection Rules. Spectra of Triatomic and Polyatomic Molecules, Raman Spectroscopy, Mossbauer Spectroscopy.