Through workshop system and active societies, public speaking and leadership abilities of students are enhanced

Perfect and congenial environment who aspire to become civil servants, leaders, analysts, researcher, economist and academics

Senior and reputed professionals/experts from bureaucracy as mentor to groom the students for their practical life ahead
Dean’s Message
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FOHSS) offers scholastically rich, academically sound and culturally diverse environment to students. With a combination of disciplines including Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Psychology and Physical education and Sport Sciences, FOHSS offers plethora of opportunities to learn, unlearn and relearn. With a unique pedagogy blending traditional as well as innovative teaching methods, our mentors are fully dedicated to make a student critically think, analyze and question. Other than academics, we provide students with a platform to work outside classroom environment and engage with scholars and professionals to groom themselves. For that, the skillset being taught by three faculty driven societies namely Voltaire Society, Young Economist’s Society and Psychology Society carry immense importance because concerned students undertake all the activities which impact in leadership and teamwork qualities. We are excited to welcome another batch of students to prepare them for taking on leadership roles as civil servants, journalists, analysts, researchers, economists and psychologists. To make students find their true talent is our ultimate goal. Looking forward to explore that journey together!
Prof. Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt
Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
The Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FoHSS) is dynamic academic entity within the sphere of University of Central Punjab (UCP) based on world-class faculty that includes 14 PhDs – alumnus of world best institutions. FOHSS not only consists of a diverse group of scholars, but also involves a unique blend of teaching methodologies with a particular focus on research. The impact of humanities and social sciences is evident in all spheres of society. There are four departments that come under the umbrella of FOHSS offers courses and undertake research in a wide range of subjects – Political Science, International Relations, Psychology and Economics –covering undergraduate, postgraduate and foundation levels of study. Our research entities explore various themes in these subjects, which informs the teaching and supervision of our students. We are also committed to engagement with the world beyond the university, ensuring that our students have employability embedded as a theme in their courses and that our academic staff members are supported in seeking knowledge transfer and consultancy activities with public and private enterprises.
Following Departments are part of FOHSS:
Department of Psychology
Psychology has been recognized as one of the most important disciplines not only in the fields of business, management and economic decision making but also among the entire body of Social Sciences. National education data shows that psychology is among the most popular disciplines in Pakistan and a large number of students seek opportunities for postgraduate education in this subject. The Psychology Department at UCP has been established to cater to the needs of this segment of students striving to make a career in the field of psychology in academia or in industry. This year the department plans to launch several psychology-based training programmes for people in the industry, business and management to help in improving their performance and career prospects, specifically for people in the business and management industry. The department equips students in other faculties with basic knowledge of psychology by offering certain introductory level courses. This practice will continue this year as well with an effort to rationalize and standardize the input provided by the department.
Department of Political Science & International Relations
Department of Political Science & International Relations is an emerging chair of knowledge at the University of Central Punjab (UCP) offers two undergraduate programmes; BS International Relations and BS Political Science. Following its tradition, UCP hires highly qualified and experienced faculty with the aim to attract bright scholars and students and to deliver quality education. The Department is designed to furnish stimulating academic environment for scholars and students in their pursuit of learning. Its goals are to facilitate students by enhancing their knowledge and achieve academic excellence so they can pursue their educational and professional dreams. This department aims to produce graduates with an outstanding of institutions, practices, and relations that constitute public life and developing modes of inquiry that promote citizenship, and ways to succeed in global world.
Department of Economics
The critical role of the subject of Economics and the economists in identifying and suggesting remedial measures for multiple problems hindering the socio-economic growth of a society is well recognized not only in Pakistan but also all over the world. At its present stage of development, Pakistan is facing multiple constraints on the way of economic growth due to a lack of professionals having command over knowledge and its application in various areas of development, policy making, implementation and evaluation. Even teaching, research and normal operations of the various institutions in the public and private sectors suffer due to inadequacy of trained human resource. To fill this gap, we have taken the initiative to train the students with the cutting edge knowledge in economics through undergraduate and graduate studies in economics. These students on graduation will be ready to take jobs in the public and private sector and also can start their own businesses and consultancies in their areas of specialization.
Initially the department of Economics was established for teaching the subjects of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Analysis and Managerial Economics to support the BBA and MBA programs of Faculty of Management Sciences. In pursuance of our long-term vision, BS Economics and Finance program was launched in Fall 2011 by FoHSS. A separate and independent Economics Department was established to offer various degrees in the said subjects. To further strengthen the BS Economics program, the department was reoriented to offer specializations in Finance as well as Data Analytics with the objective to prepare students to be warmly accepted in public and private sectors, specifically, banking and development sectors in the country and abroad. The MS Program was started in Fall 2013 to be followed by PhD in later semesters. So far, seven MS students have successfully completed their degrees and other seven students of are working on their thesis. Thesis of MS students are evaluated by the experts in the respective fields and quality of the research work is ensured rigorously.