Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to enhance students’ learning of the literature related to the role of culture in psychology, cultural transitions, and cross-cultural relationships and to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to increase cross-culturally competencies. It will also facilitate students’ integration of their cross-cultural learning into their identity and career development and dissect culturally-embedded messages and practices from different cultural contexts.

Course Description

This course is designed to help students acquire theoretical and empirical literature about the role of culture in human behavior through reading psychological literature from various resources and assisting students to gain knowledge about cross-cultural transitions and how it reflects on their encounters in a cultural context that is different from their native culture .It will also facilitate students’ integration of personal experiences and knowledge of psychological literature into practical implication of working with diverse individuals and in different helping roles.
The course emphasizes the students’ understanding and integration of theory and research findings about the relationships between culture and psychology, development of skills to apply the knowledge about the impact of culture on psychology to themselves and helping others and continuous reflection and documentation on their multi-dimensional cross-cultural experiences.

Recommended books:

  1. Berry, J. W., Poortinga, Y., Breugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A., & Sam, D. L.(2011). Cross cultural psychology: Research and applications (3rd Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  2. Matsumoto, D. &Juang, L. (2004). Cure and psychology. Sydney: Thomson’s Wadsworth.
  3. Berry, J. W., Dasen, P. R., &Saraswathi, T. S. (Eds.). (1997). Handbook of crosscultural psychology. (Vol. I). Boston: Alyn& Bacon.
  4. Kagitcibasi, C. (1996). Familyandhumandevelopmentacrosscultures. NewJersy: Lawrence Erllbaum Associates, Publishers.
  5. Rohner, R. P. (1986). The warmth dimension: foundation of parental acceptance
    rejection theory. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publication, Inc.
  6. Rohner, R. P. H. (1999). Handbook for the study of parental acceptance and rejection.Stress.CT:University of Connecticut.